You have the chance to change a caregiver’s life forever!

Anyone who has taken care of a loved one in their home will not be surprised to hear that 70% of caregivers experience depression.

Caregiving is often a lonely and painful experience as we watch our loved ones’ declining health. Taking on the medical care of a child, parent, spouse, or sibling in addition to our usually busy lives can lead to the collapse of marriages, loss of income, and even a breakdown of our own physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. 

One in five Americans are living this reality every day. 

The joys and hardships of caregiving are meant to be shared. But, because it’s difficult to socialize or attend a house of worship, many struggles that caregivers face go unnoticed by their circle of friends and family. 

The number one thing I hear from caregivers is, “I feel forgotten” and “I don’t know how much longer I can go on”. Together, we can change that. I refuse to allow one more caregiver to feel abandoned and alone. 

Do you feel that way too? 

Talking with Caregiving Support Network’s donors has shown me that so many others agree. Gospel-centered hope and down-to-earth solutions can transform a caregiver’s life forever. 

Practical respite care is the answer for these caregivers. When you're hanging on by a thread, one night of sleep or one meal prepared for you can make all the difference. 

A verse in Romans, “When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them” (Romans 12:13a)”, inspired me to launch the Care for Caregivers initiative at Caregiving Support Network. By the end of the year in 2023, our team will provide 10,000 hours of Christ-centered relief to dozens of caregivers in need. 

This initiative to Care for Caregivers in 2023 is a $1 million dollar project. Caregiving Support Network donors understand the struggles that caregivers face and are generously donating to say “I’m ready to help you; you won’t feel abandoned or alone anymore”

You’ll Care for Caregivers in four life-transforming ways. Through your donation, you give:

  • Much-needed time for caregivers facing burnout to recharge, rest, and focus on their needs.

  • Financial relief and a temporary break from the constant food prep that comes with caregiving. 

  • A clean home so they can support their loved ones in a peaceful space

  • Steady encouragement through CSN advocates who share the Gospel of Christ with each caregiver.

This program has already transformed a life. Donors like you helped Lisa who has been a caregiver for over ten years.

When she applied for respite care, she was rarely able to leave the house because of her Mom’s need for continual high-level care. She told me, “Caregivers are the forgotten ones”.

Caregiving Support Network donors gave Lisa respite care and much-needed relief. 

Lisa sent me this note: “Thank you so much for all you're doing. You have no idea how much just your understanding means to me.”

With a declining economy, caregivers need us now more than ever. Caregivers spend countless hours caring for their loved ones but it’s time for us to Care for Caregivers. Will you offer hope to a caregiver by donating? 

Please give to help the Caregiving Support Network give 10,000 hours of respite care to caregivers on the brink of burnout by the end of 2023. 

Your tax-deductible donation will give the relief that Lisa experienced to dozens of caregivers in need. 

Together, we can show these hidden heroes they are not alone, that there is HOPE, and that Jesus is our “very present help in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1).

$100 provides one hour of respite care to a caregiver. Please make your most generous year-end gift to support caregivers today, using the secure donation form below. 

Warm regards,

Rebekah Dowhy

President, Caregiving Support Network

Please make your most generous gift on the secure donation form below today. Every penny will help. 


My Advice to Other Caregivers


“Never, Never, Never Give Up!”