“Never, Never, Never Give Up!”

Written by Sherrie Beeton before she passed away.


I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1996  – shortly after Rebekah was born – but my symptoms started in 1995. MS means multiple scarring. It is an auto-immune disorder that causes your body to attack the nerve coverings – leaving them scarred. The scarring causes the nerves to misfire, causing all types of problems. 

On the way to the doctor to see what was wrong with me, David and I heard a song on the radio that encouraged us to never give up. In the doctor’s office, we saw a sign that had a picture of a stork trying to swallow a frog. The frog was all the way in the stork’s beak except for his front legs. He was using them to choke the stork – hanging on for dear life! Underneath the picture, it said, “Never, Never, Never Give Up! We felt like the Lord was speaking to us. God wants us to serve him no matter what – good times or bad times. 

Since 1996, the MS flare-ups have caused a range of problems that came and went. I have had numbness, tingling, 70% blindness in one eye, paralysis, dizziness, muscle spasms, loss of bodily function, and weakness. Since we moved to Tennessee six years ago, I have gone from Relapsing-Remitting MS to Secondary Progressive MS – the second of three levels of MS. 

Secondary Progressive is when your MS steadily gets worse. I went from walking to walking with a cane, to walking with a walker, to a wheelchair. I have lost my bodily functions and take about 20 pills a day, including oral chemotherapy. I am losing my abilities in my arms, have a hard time swallowing and talking, and have trouble when I’m tired, holding my head up. 

Before you keep reading…would you consider helping a family facing a disability like Sherrie’s with a donation of any amount? Every penny will help.

God didn’t say for us to rejoice just when things are going well, He said to rejoice in the Lord always, and again, I say rejoice. I have had to depend on God for daily grace. I never question why me – I’ve just had to deal with it. I want to praise and thank the Lord for his help and strength. He has given me a wonderful family to help. Also, we are so thankful for the love and support of the Church. We love you all!


It’s so important to pray for people when God wants you to pray. You just don’t know what God’s going to do. Nothing is impossible with God! I know someone prayed for me. I ask God to heal me and believe He is able. Whatever happens though, I am the Lord’s!

Woman in wheelchair smiling with blue blanket

Sherrie Beeton (Rebekah Dowhy’s Mom) pictured left. She battled MS for 21 years before passing away in 2017.

Sherrie’s joy and faith in the Lord never wavered along with her “never give up” attitude. Taking care of her motivated Rebekah and David to start Caregiving Support Network.


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